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- Copyright (c) 1993, 1994 Eugene G. Crosser
- ifcico is a FidoNet(tm) compatible mailer for U*IX platforms.
- You may do virtually what you wish with this software, as long as the
- explicit reference to its original author is retained:
- Eugene G. Crosser <crosser@pccross.msk.su>, 2:5020/230@FidoNet
- This is a BETA version, it is far from being fully tested. If you think
- that you found a bug, contact the author at crosser@pccross.msk.su.
- All programs show a small help message when run with "-h" flag.
- "ifcico" stands for "Internet - Fidonet Copy In / Copy Out", this is a
- FidoNet(tm) compatible transport agent. Currently it supports FTS-0001,
- YooHoo/2U2 and EMSI handshake protocols, Xmodem (untested), Telink
- (untested), Modem7 (untested), SEAlink w/overdrive and crash recovery,
- Bark file and update requests, WaZOO protocols: DietIFNA, plain Zmodem
- (aka ZedZip, EMSI flag "ZMO") and ZedZap, WaZOO file and update requests
- (nodelist flag should be XA). Password protected requests are not
- implemented. There are plans to implement Janus (and maybe Hydra)
- protocols in the future.
- Outbound directory structure is BinkleyTerm compatible, with domains and
- point subdirectories (full 5d). There are separate "listed" and
- "protected" inbound directories for the incoming sessions with the nodes
- present in the nodelist(s) and with nodes that have a password assigned
- respectively. Files received during an outbound session are always put
- into the "protected" directory. (Only "protected" directory is looked up
- by ifunpack by default, see ifgate subdir).
- "Magic" file request processors are executable files placed in the
- "magic" directory. If request is made for a file with matching name,
- the executable from the "magic" directory is run, and its stdout sent to
- the requestor. Full requestor's address, in the form "John Smith of
- 1:234/56.7" is passed to the executable in the command line. See
- "misc/FILES" for an example of a magic request processor.
- To make ifcico work in answer mode, you need a hack in uugetty. Provided
- are diffs for Linux getty_ps 2.0.7c, named GETTY.diff. Gert Doering's
- mgetty .17 (from the mgetty+sendfax package) and later versions have
- fidonet support built-in. Getty_ps 2.0.7d and further versions are
- supposed to have fidonet support too. Getty must distinguish incoming
- FidoNet type calls, and start ifcico with one parameter:
- FTS-0001 call: "ifcico tsync"
- FTS-0006 call: "ifcico yoohoo"
- EMSI call: "ifcico **EMSI_....."
- (in the latter case the received EMSI packet should be passed without
- trailing CR).
- If you are using getty_ps, don't forget to (a) #define FIDO in tune.h,
- and (b) create the file /etc/default/uugetty with the contents similar
- to the following (case sensitive):
- FIDO=/usr/local/lib/fnet/ifcico
- EMSI=yes
- It is also recommended to increase getty's input buffer size to 0.5 - 1
- Kb (in tune.h).
- When called without parameters, ifcico runs in slave mode and determines
- the type of inbound session itself. This mode may be used when ifcico
- runs as an internet or ISDN daemon.
- To make ifcico scan for pending outbound mail and do appropriate calls,
- start it with "-r1" flag. To force polling of particular nodes, specify
- these nodes in the command line (addresses should be in domain notation,
- e.g. "ifcico f23.n5020 f155.n5020"). The latter implies master mode
- (-r1). Note that "hold" packets and files, as well as file requests, do
- not cause the node to be polled.
- Inbound directory is created automatically if it does not exist, along
- with the "tmp" subdir. The latter is used while receiving files. After
- being successfully received, the files are moved up to the "inbound"
- directory.
- Almost all features are controlled by the configuration file. See
- "misc/config" file as an example, it contains a lot of comments. To use
- ifcico over TCP/IP, see "services" file with an example line for the
- service entry, and "initd.conf" file with an example how to make ifcico
- listen for incoming connects. To initiate outgoing TCP/IP connect, use
- "-a" flag.
- Ifcico can use text format nodelists in original (MS/DOS) form with
- <CR><LF>'s as well as in UNIX form, with <LF>'s only. When you get
- a fresh nodelist, or change the "nodelist" statements in the config
- file, you must rebuild index with "ifindex" program.
- ifstat program shows a summary of pending outbound mail.
- ifroute program (not working yet - under development) can be used in a
- "queryprogram" driver with Smail. It accepts destination address on the
- commend line and writes routing address to stdout, taking care of
- hub/host/zonegate routing.
- sumlog is a simple example perl script to count session durations.
- Acknowlegements:
- Some ideas taken from FidoGate-RFmail package written by Teemu Torma and
- hacked by Martin Junius. Several source modules taken from INN 1.4 package.
- Zmodem source taken from sz/rz programs by Chuck Forsberg (I may rewrite
- it from scratch in future).